What are industrial CT scanning inspections?
This is a type of x-ray done using the radiation to produce a 3-D image of the object that is been scanned looking at both the inside and the outside parts. Industrial CT scans are usually used for flaw detection, assembly analysis and failure analysis as well as reverse engineering applications for new technology and ideas.
The Process
Whenever an industrial CT scanning inspection is needed, there will usually be an initial review conducted which is where the initial requirements will be assessed. If the object passes those requirements then the parts will arrive at the facility, be logged into the system and scheduled for the scan.
Once the scan is complete the data will be analyzed according to a number of different requirements.
Once the analysis is done, a meeting will be held with the company to determine how to proceed.
The pros and cons of an industrial ct scanning inspection are as follows:
It’s conclusive
Usually these diagnostic tests do not miss anything. A qualified professional Will be able to look at the pictures in the scans and come to a knowledgeable conclusion simply by looking at them.
It’s accurate
The scanners have advanced so much through technology that they are extremely accurate no matter if they’re focusing on a very small part or are they large part. Mother told me not offer this kind of accuracy but a 3D imaging scanner is able to pick up almost every detail.
It’s quick
Speed is essential in this day and age. Nobody wants to be around all day for a good skin. And industrial CT scanner can take pictures within seconds and have them uploaded to a main drive within minutes.
It’s contrast is poor
If contrast is needed during the scan, it can be difficult to determine the different parts of the object because of scans not being in color and being shaded over each other.
It’s expensive
The equipment itself is expensive and so are the scans. Even the technology that is required to run a 3D scanning service is expensive to keep up on. You must always be ahead of the curve with the machine like this and stay up to date with training and machine parts.
There is some controversy regarding industrial CT scanning inspections but overall, most experts feel that the use of the scanner is important enough and results in plenty of positive products and technology. The medical counterpart of a CT scanner is extremely important to people’s health and functions virtually the same way as an industrial CT scanner.
The Medical Equivalent
The medical CT scanner is something more people are acquainted with and understand the general feel of that scanner may help you to better appreciate the industrial scanner.
Doctors do feel that using the CT scanner to much can make a doctor lazy and make is simpler to use this tool to diagnose issues than first trying options that may be cheaper for the client. Most think that a scan should be the last form of testing done when trying to find a diagnosis. If there is no other way to form the diagnosis then yes, use the CT scanner, but if there is any other alternative, that should be first.
On the other hand, some doctors also feel that the this form of testing is not a lazy way of doing things, but the most accurate and why go through all the trouble of other tests that could possibly be wrong when you already know that the most accurate form of testing is through the scanner. They feel this cuts down on a lot of wasted time which saves money anyway.
In conclusion, while both types of scanners do run the risk of running wrong results, it is likely the best way to determine the functionality (or diagnosis) of a product (or patient.) It seems to be the fastest and more accurate way to determine what the next steps should be.