Mobile security is an important asset to anyone using any form of computer or mobile device capable of internet access. Unfortunately, to some, such security is overlooked. It is easy to believe that personal and even business computers and phones will not be hacked because hacking seems like a difficult thing to do. However, around 9,500 malicious websites have been detected by Google on a daily basis. These sites include actual websites that were hacked into as well as sites that are specifically created to spread malware to unsuspecting visitors. Firewall systems, such as enterprise firewall, help guarantee mobile security for phones and other transportable computers. The six basic firewalls include embedded firewalls, enterprise software based firewalls, enterprise hardware based firewalls, SOHO software firewalls, SOHO hardware firewalls and specialty firewalls. Enterprise firewall software can support the security of multiple users, which is perfect for companies requiring more than basic IT security. Many security systems such as that provided by SourceFire include features such as an intrusion detection system and an intrusion prevention system that can identify and prevent any malicious sites or programs. Many businesses have begun to utilize such software for mobile security as well as in office security, but most still do not completely understand what security breaches can do. As a result, 76 percent of organizations have reported reputation damage due to online security breaches. Fortunately, antimalware and next generation network security programs have been set up for such businesses. Antimalware is used to fill the holes missed by other security providers, while next gen network security ensures that companies will continue to work toward and design new products that will help now, and in the future, against malicious software, keeping mobile security a major priority in business and everyday life. Mobile security does not have to be difficult, and with companies like this, it won’t be. Check out this website for more.