In the past, large multinational corporations and smaller mom and pop shops alike relied upon traditional marketing strategies to capture and retain customers for their products and services. One of the most popular traditional marketing strategies consisted of placing large print ads in newspapers and computer magazines. Another one of the most popular marketing strategies consisted of installing large billboards in busy city intersections. Still another one of the most popular marketing strategies consisted of showcasing products and services in large annual and semi annual conventions; the most successful companies always made sure to reserve booths and tables at those annual and semi annual conventions which regularly attracted thousands upon thousands of prospective customers and investors.
Today, however, digital technologies such as the internet have rendered many of these traditional marketing strategies obsolete. Companies cannot expect to capture and retain customers for their products and services using print ads in computer magazines, large billboards in busy city intersections, and conventions now that the vast majority of customers learn about new products and services though social media outlets such as Twitter and Facebook and through popular search engines such as Google.
Independent research published in the best computer magazines suggests the extent of these trends. These computer magazines suggest that more than three quarters of all customers use a search engine at least once during the purchasing process. These computer magazines also suggest that the vast majority of these customers never look at the paid advertisements; instead, these computer magazines suggest that they only look at the organic search results. Furthermore, these computer magazines suggest that very few of these users ever look past the second or third page of hits; instead, these computer magazines suggest that most users confine themselves to the first page of hits.
To help businesses target their products and services to these internet users, computer magazines encourage businesses to develop internet marketing strategies which can help these businesses capture and retain customers for their products and services. According to these computer magazines, one of the most popular internet marketing strategies is called SEO reselling.
It consists of researching keywords and key phrases which are most likely to be associated with the products and services that a company wants to sell. Next, these computer magazines suggest that the SEO reselling program produces articles, blog entries, and blurbs which use the keywords and key phrases. Finally, the computer magazines suggest that the SEO reselling companies post their articles, blog entries, and blurbs to blogs and websites which are associated with the products and services that the company wishes to sell. By doing so, these computer magazines suggest that these companies can increase their rankings on search engines and thereby increase the likelihood that internet users will purchase their products and services.
Computer magazines disagree about which companies provide the best SEO reselling services. Some of these computer magazines suggest that North American companies (located in the United States and Canada) provide higher quality SEO content than their Asian competitors. Other computer magazines argue that these North American SEO reselling companies charge an arm and a leg for their services; these computer magazines encourage their readers to outsource SEO to Asian companies which provide the same services as the North American companies for a fraction of the price.